"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finally, A Verdict!!

Finally, a verdict! Both parents signed their consent to adoption, meaning they voluntarily signed away their parental rights to their child.  The judge has signed the decree and changed the goal.  Our foster baby girl is finally FREE FOR ADOPTION!!!!!!  Praise God, Hallelujah! Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes, sent to me and/or said in your heart!!!  Our journey is coming to a close.  A few more months til finalization.   The bio parents of this child that we have had since birth have told us they support us and are fine with their decision to consent to adoption.  I praise God for answered prayers not only for us and our beautiful girl, but for the bio parents that they are at peace with their decision and can move forward with their lives.  The bio mom has been clean for almost a year and bio dad is taking several classes in prison to improve his education and life.  I sincerely pray they succeed!!  I can't wait til I can tell all of you her adoption is finalized.  In the meantime, I pray for you on your journey, wherever that may be, and if you have any questions or need a good listener on your foster adoption journey, just email the Queen Mama at fosteradoptionmommy@gmail.com.  I'd love to chat!
The Queen Mama


  1. Thanks so much for your support, Momma L!

  2. Hello,

    My husband and I are on the "waiting list" do to low legal risk adoption from foster care in North Carolina. We are open to 1 to 3 siblings, ages 0 to 4 years old. These will be our first children.

    I read your entire blog start to finish, you are so blessed to have adopted 2 beautiful baby girls, that is my dream!! Please keep us updated :) I'm praying all goes smoothly for you!


    1. Nella, I don't now how I missed your post! Than you for your kind words. Best wishes and prayers for you as you begin your foster to adopt journey!!
