Happy New Year 2013 to you! A new year means new beginnings, new perspectives, and possibly new foster children for our family. We await placement as technically we are permitted one more child in our home per state rules. We also await the final parental termination and final adoption hearings for our Sweet Pea. We celebrate New Year's Eve with our children in our home~just us~playing games, eating snacks, and making our resolution lists. We also pray for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year. I am sending up a special prayer for foster children everywhere, and families who are opening their hearts to them; for birth parents, and I am praying for you on your foster/adoption journey.
Many many blessings to you,
The Queen Mama
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
No Other Mother
Sitting here looking at my Sweet Pea this morning, and my Little Princess, I felt compelled to write some raw true feelings that I, as a foster/adoptive mother feel toward my little ones. When you start fostering with the intent to adopt, I feel it is much more difficult to keep your feelings of possessiveness, righteousness, etc. under wraps. I must admit, that from the get-go, especially with Little Princess, our daughter we adopted through foster care, I felt an instant bond, an instant feeling that "This baby is mine." Pretty much the same with Sweet Pea. There was that first wary feeling of unease with both of them, such as being in a dream-like state, as in "Is this really happening? Am I really holding a baby in my arms? (after such a long wait.) But then, the Mama Bear instincts take over. Then, as time passes, and we move through the case, with bio parents either completely disappearing or only visiting sporadically, the full-time feelings of "I am the only Mother to this child" start to kick in.
Now, close to the end of our journey, the feeling of "There is No Other Mother" is as strong as a strong could be in my heart. Now, I do know that these children have birth parents, and am forever respectful of the fact that they brought them into this world, but as the saying goes, anyone can be a mother, but not everyone can be a mommy. Am I selfish to say these things? Some of you may think yes, maybe. Sometimes I feel yes, maybe. But, given the circumstances with the bio parents, I think it's totally natural to feel this way. I feel Sweet Pea's bio mother feels the mommy wand has shifted as well. She is still visiting as the courts allow until the final hearing, though she signed her rights away. When I hand Sweet Pea to her at a visit, bio mother always says thank you for bringing her, and when I come back to pick her up, bio mom says "Look who's here, and gets Sweet Pea all excited to see me." She has also thanked me for adopting her and giving her a good life.
When we took in 2 year old Cutie Patootie as an emergency placement this past summer, we knew she would most likely be going to her grandparents. We already were placed with Sweet Pea, and did not have intentions of adopting Cutie Patootie. (Though we would have if the grandparents were not given custody). She was with us for 3 months, and I did not have that possessive feeling, I think because adoption was not our intent.)
Anyway, I intended this blog to be not only a journal of my journey, but a real and honest tale to share with others who may be just starting their journey, whether my opinions are popular or not~so they may have an insight into this process. Also, to give and receive support from other foster/adoptive parents.
Blessings to you,
The Queen Mama
Now, close to the end of our journey, the feeling of "There is No Other Mother" is as strong as a strong could be in my heart. Now, I do know that these children have birth parents, and am forever respectful of the fact that they brought them into this world, but as the saying goes, anyone can be a mother, but not everyone can be a mommy. Am I selfish to say these things? Some of you may think yes, maybe. Sometimes I feel yes, maybe. But, given the circumstances with the bio parents, I think it's totally natural to feel this way. I feel Sweet Pea's bio mother feels the mommy wand has shifted as well. She is still visiting as the courts allow until the final hearing, though she signed her rights away. When I hand Sweet Pea to her at a visit, bio mother always says thank you for bringing her, and when I come back to pick her up, bio mom says "Look who's here, and gets Sweet Pea all excited to see me." She has also thanked me for adopting her and giving her a good life.
When we took in 2 year old Cutie Patootie as an emergency placement this past summer, we knew she would most likely be going to her grandparents. We already were placed with Sweet Pea, and did not have intentions of adopting Cutie Patootie. (Though we would have if the grandparents were not given custody). She was with us for 3 months, and I did not have that possessive feeling, I think because adoption was not our intent.)
Anyway, I intended this blog to be not only a journal of my journey, but a real and honest tale to share with others who may be just starting their journey, whether my opinions are popular or not~so they may have an insight into this process. Also, to give and receive support from other foster/adoptive parents.
Blessings to you,
The Queen Mama
Thursday, December 27, 2012
What a Merry Christmas ~ Aggravated Circumstances
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas in 2012. We received news that the judge did in fact grant aggravated circumstances on the bio father, and that a termination of parental rights hearing for him, and a consent to adoption hearing (giving up parental rights) for the bio mother have been scheduled on the same day in March. So, three more months of bio mom being allowed visitation, and three more months to see if bio Dad decides to voluntarily sign consent. In my heart of hearts, I know that we will be making this beautiful little Sweet Pea a part of our family forever in 2013.
Ever faithful,
The Queen Mama
Ever faithful,
The Queen Mama
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Still No News
Bio Mom scheduled visit last week, then canceled. But kept visit with her other children the next day. Hasn't scheduled a visit this week yet. Caseworker said she doesn't know what's going on with her. Caseworker also said that she has no new news for me. Still no ruling on the aggravated circumstances hearing. She said Bio Dad was very defiant and arrogant at the hearing. He said since they (the county) started this, they can finish it. Meaning, he will make them do the extra work of the termination hearing, instead of consenting to adoption and signing his rights over. The lawyer pulled him aside after hearing and explained that it was in his best interests, since Bio Mom is pregnant again, that he sign consent for Sweet Pea so he could at least be around the new baby. If rights are involuntarily terminated, he will not be permitted to be in a living situation with children for three years. So, we will see. Still no dates set for consent hearing for Bio Mom or termination hearing for Bio Dad. Adopting through foster care can be a lot of hurry up and wait!
Blessings to you,
The Queen Mama
Blessings to you,
The Queen Mama
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