"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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Friday, March 2, 2012

New Info on Bio Dad

Sweet Pea had a visit with bio mom today.  Found out bio dad just went to jail and may be there a year.  To be so young and have so many problems as these two is very sad to me.  I do know some of Dad's family background, and it seems his childhood environment was also rocky, which would explain his behavior.  Mom is always so kind to me, and when I watch her trying to parent Sweet Pea and her siblings, it does sadden me to think that she may not get them back.  However, I have to be concerned most for Sweet Pea's safety, and unfortunately Mom and Dad have not been following plan and have criminal and drug problems.  Mom is also just a little bit "off", if you can understand that.  Some sort of disconnect.  Although the selfish part of my soul wants to shout hooray at this latest information (about Dad), I pray for this man that maybe the jail's chaplain will find him and he may come to know Jesus to help sustain him throughout his sentence.  Also, every time I  take Sweet Pea to a visit (when mom shows), I thank God that I have come to know him, that through His grace he has made me a Mommy, that my family is intact, and that he has blessed me with the opportunity to be a stay at home Mommy, and that he has given us the honor of raising these wonderful foster children, even if only for a little while.
The Queen Mama

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