Friends, this is not anything personal toward my county or any particular county, state or court system. It is a general rant and rave on "the child welfare system" for children in foster care. I have not been able to get the Josh Powell tragedy off my mind. That visits, albeit supervised, were allowed to take place in his home is beyond me. A suspect or person of interest or whatever in the disappearance of his wife. A person who was under court order to undergo a psychosexual evaluation. Hello???!! How about no visits until the evaluation is complete? How about visits in a neutral supervised location.
In light of Sweet Pea's last hearing, where the mom insisted she wanted her children back immediately and the hearing was continued so both sides could gather more information because parents have every right to contest, although Dad is in jail, and Mom is most likely going to jail or house arrest in a few months, although they have weapons and child endangerment charges, theft charges, drug charges.....I am just about livid!!
Scenario: The child is removed from the home due to imminent danger or likely threat to his/her safety. Placed in a safe, stable, loving environment. As soon as the child is "in the court system" it then becomes about the rights of the parents. Parents are still allowed to visit, even though they have weapons charges. Visits are changed, or worked around parents' schedule even though parents missed visit with no reason. Parents are still given weekly visits even though they only make it to one or two visits a month. Parents are still given all rights to make medical and educational decisions for the child even though the child has been in a foster home straight from the hospital and sees mom or dad once to twice a month for two hours.
Yes I pray for these parents It is just frustrating to me.
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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