There is just never a dull moment in this case. Make that any case when it comes to adopting through foster care. Make that just doing foster care, without the intent to adopt. I have done both. At Sweet Pea's last hearing,(that didn't happen, but happened for her brothers, who are tied into her case), Bio Mom refused to sign over her parental rights. I do not begrudge her this, as that is extremely difficult for a mother to do, and I don't think I could do it either. Sweet Pea had her actual hearing this past week. I did not have to attend.
Caseworker told me that Bio Mom and Dad were both considering signing over consent to adoption since they were told that aggravated circumstances have been filed for Dad and would be filed for Mom, meaning once their parental rights were terminated, they would not be able to have any children in their care for the next three years.
BREAKING NEWS: Caseworker found out at the hearing that Mom is pregnant again! Not sure how far along. However, this news means that if her rights are terminated, the baby will be immediately removed from her care at birth (and placed with us-caseworker already asked), and be free for adoption.
Wow!! Regardless, the children already in foster care are heading for adoption. Rights will be terminated whether they volunteer, or the court finds. So, the future of this unborn child lay in their hands right now. If they sign, they get to keep their child, but will most likely be under the scrutiny of child services. If they don't sign, they will lose their child to child services. Father in Heaven, I pray that these birth parents may find You in their lives, as their life and the future of their child are at stake. I pray that when they are released from prison, they are able to eventually turn their life around, and realize that their children are the most precious gifts and that they are number one priority. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you, dear readers for your continued prayers through posts, emails, and even just in your hearts!
The Queen Mama
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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