"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
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Friday, November 2, 2012

Seven Days Til Consent Deadline

Sweet Pea had another visit with Bio Mom today.  Two hours.   There are 7 days left until her consent to adoption is final.  Irrevocable.  Forever.   Caseworkers talked with Bio Mom prior to us getting there again about when the consent to adoption will be final, and that no visitation will take place after that unless we as adoptive parents agree to it.  They asked her to prepare herself for the possibility that we will want no contact.  They wanted to make sure she understood that post adoption contact was voluntary and that it may only consist of pictures and letters.  Surprisingly, she was fine with everything, and actually proactive by telling them that she was going to encourage Bio Dad to sign consent as well (as he is refusing, even though he is in jail for at least a year and is facing aggravated circumstances).  
While I am happy with this news, my heart actually skipped a beat, and I had a growing pit in my stomach when I saw Bio Mom with Sweet Pea today.  I know she made her own choices, and I know Sweet Pea and her other children are not safe in her care, but I am still a Mom, she is still a Mom, and she is human.  I know this is not easy for her, and I feel compassion for her.  I pray she can find God for her strength to stay away from the things in her life that overtake her and try to defeat her.
Blessings to you, my dear readers,
The Queen Mama

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