Hello everyone...It's been awhile since I posted. Got
our papers from the judge that stated the decisions/goals made at our
last permanent placement hearing. I noticed it said parental visits
current goal as twice a month (she had been going once a week). It also
said former goal was twice a month. I contacted visitation counselor
and she contacted caseworker who contacted the lawyer, and yes,
visitation should've been cut down to twice a month back in October when
Dad first started coming around again.
I am so livid, mad, ready to scream! Our caseworker has been
non-communicative with us for months now, and this is the icing on the
cake! I am told by others who work in the system that she is an
exception to the rule, and that I am not the only one unhappy with her.
I still have not heard if a termination of parental rights hearing has
been set. I asked our caseworker right before our last hearing, and she
said that would be a far time from now. Other caseworkers tell me it
should be started since her goal was changed to adoption. We have had
Princess for 13 months now. I knew it would be a long haul, but the
"process" is really starting to grate on my nerves!!!!! "Dad" still
does not comprehend that her goal is now adoption. For his sake, I wish
someone close to him would explain it!
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